Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jigsaw Puzzle Frame 12 X 39 Where Can I Find A Jigsaw Frame For An Unusually Sized Puzzle In The UK?

Where can I find a jigsaw frame for an unusually sized puzzle in the UK? - jigsaw puzzle frame 12 x 39

I have a panoramic puzzle 39 "x 12" and the call for a riddle, what someone knows of websites or stores where I share buy as many pictures?

If I can not find it, if I find a normal picture frame, instead of the correct size will not fit into the puzzle of this agreement?


caitlynn. boss. said...

If the puzzle games should be on the back with Elmer's glue, rubber cement sticks. That really works, but you must put it in, because it quickly dries quickly. for the frame, do not know where the United Kingdom, because Iv'e never been there
You should try, however, commercial crafts, hardware,
Sites, but it can put at the Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Target, in many places only in google and tons of hell, perhaps it will even be able to buy on eBay.
Good luck

Walter M- Barbara said...

As you find the puzzle frame, and is not a framework
Store in Germany, tried a carpenter craftsmen at work
Wood, the puzzle fit. Also in stores in the U.S.
can not always achieve a framework and have already
Woodwork throughout the puzzle! Good luck!

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