Animal lover looking for exotic cubs for sale??? - exotic pets for sale
I'm an animal lover and I need help to find sites that offer puppies for sale .. Money is no problem, I'm only capable of a big house for a tiger, panthers and other exotic puppy you give me help, the beast of my dreams, as I said, money is not a problem ... Thank you guys for your help
Tigers, panthers, leopards, etc., are not pets, wild animals are dangerous. In some places it is illegal to take anyway. Perhaps you could volunteer at a shelter or zoo, if you really want to spend time with the big cats.
Homes in most parts of the deer and wild animals is illegal to possess, and would probably be purchased on the black market.
Big cats and other wild animals are wild and extremely difficult to handle, even when trained, will never truly tame ".
Chances are, if not a big animal trainer (which are not, because if you know where to get), then OU and is expected to be seriously injured or even killed by their pets. "
Even if you are a true animal lover, you know that is a wild animal, never be happy if they in nature.
U If an animal is actually more you save for the fact that they are happier left behind in nature and should b. Mayb u cood a job at a local zoo? And it is probably illegal anyway. Sean in nature.
You are exactly why most of these wild animals are found in animal sancutary. These are wild animals that we speak here. Will never lead a normal life with you. Get a dog!
Big Cats make of them good pets. hope you have one and Bridges
Big Cats make of them good pets. hope you have one and Bridges
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